E.coli belongs to the normal intestinal flora of humans and warm-blooded animals. The germs expelled through the droppings can survive in the open air for many months. With contaminated food or drinking water or with the air expelled with the breath (enveloped with dust particles), coli germs reach the intestine or the respiratory organs, as well as the air sacs.
Visibly sick pigeon,
showing characteristic symptoms:
Ruffled plumage,
rounded back
and drooping tail,
signs of pain
in the area masterit.
Evolution of the disease:
After a strong proliferation of the pathogenic bacteria, an inflammation of the intestine develops rapidly, which causes considerable losses of water and electrolytes. Pathogenic Colis can also enter the bloodstream and nest in the organs. The consequence is a general condition, called colisepticemia, which can cause death in a few hours if it presents acutely, although death can also occur after a few days.
Typical symptoms of a general condition such as depression, rejection of food, increased consumption of drinking water, weight loss, mark the picture of the disease. The respiratory system may also be affected, especially the air sacs.
Form of DIAGNOSIS: A bacteriological analysis of organ samples. The analysis must be carried out within 24 hours after the death of the pigeon, since intestinal coli can easily nest in the organs of the dead animal, thus making it difficult to verify the true agent causing the disease. With the help of an antibiogram, the appropriate drug for treatment is verified.
Similar diagnosis: Salmonellosis, Hexamithiasis, Coccidiosis
Indications for TREATMENT:
With the appearance of the symptoms described, treatment should be started immediately. After obtaining the results of the bacteriological analysis as well as the antibiogram, a change of therapy may eventually be necessary.
RECOMMENDED Products: Parastop by BELGIUM DE WEERD, Linco Spec by DAC, Colistop by DAC
After the medication, it is advisable to administer a Vitamin Complex.